Installing a Facebook Pixel on your WordPress website

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What's a Facebook Pixel

Simply put the Facebook Pixel is a little snippet of coding you place on your website which helps Facebook Track people who come to your website.

With the information collected you are able to target people with ads on Facebooks Platforms that will be most interested in your offer.

With Facebook’s advertising AI you can also find people who are similar to people to ones that have visited your website in the past.

By targeting those kinds of people you are more likely to appeal to them and in doing so sell more products or promote your services better.


How to install the Facebook Pixel

Do I need the Facebook Pixel on my website?

Simply put if you are planning on building a website to sell products, promote services, promote a business or anything really, then yes you will need a Facebook Pixel.

By installing it on your website from the very beginning you are able to collect every possible clients information.

The more information Facebook is able to collect the better demographic they can create.

This is great news for you as after a while you are able use that power when advertising on Facebook or Instagram.

How to check if I have a Facebook Pixel on my website?

If you know you don’t have a pixel installed yet it is still important to go through this step to see in the future if your Facebook pixel is working properly

Start of by either typing in Facebook Pixel Helper in google and installing a chrome extension. 

Or just click the link below.

Once you install the extension in chrome you will be able to see it in the top right corner of your browser.

Facebook Pixel Helper

Where to find my Pixel?

To get a Pixel you will have to start off by registering your business on Facebook by creating a Facebook page. 

In google type in Facebook Business Manager 

or click the link below

Once there go through the process of creating a page for your business.

Once you create a Business page on Facebook click on the Business Settings in the top Right Corner.

Facebook Business Manager

In the new window in the left hand column 

1. Click on Data sources

2. Followed by clicking Pixels

Data Sources > Pixels

Getting the Facebook Pixel From Facebook Business Manager

1 Next just click Add

2. Once you do you will go through the process of creating a Pixel

Give your Pixel a easy to identify name. Could be your business name or domain name 

Next type in your website domain.

for example:

You don’t have to use the http:// or https://

Installing a Facebook Pixel on WordPress

Once you create the Pixel you will be shown a few options where you can manually install the code, send it to a developer or add code using partner integration.

Seeing as you are using WordPress the best option will be to add code using partner integration.

Once you click through a page with all Facebook partners will open up.

Scroll down the page until you find Facebook and click on it.

Installing Facebook Pixel using Partner Integration

Next another pop up will appear in which you will have a step by step guide on how to download and install the Official Facebook Pixel plugin for your website.

It will guide you through the whole process…. But so will I.

Make sure that Advanced Matchmaking for WordPress is on and then click the continue button

Downloading Facebook Pixel

On this page you will download a plugin that you can install directly on your WordPress website.

1. Click the Download Button and wait for the plugin to begin downloading

2. Click the Continue button

Now it’s time to go back to your website and log into the WordPress Dashboard

You can do this by simply typing in

Once you log in go down to the plugins section and click Add New

Installing a new plugin in WordPress

1. Click the Upload Plugin option 

2. Click the Choose File and select the plugin you just downloaded or drag and drop the Facebook Pixel Plugin into this box.

3. Click the Install Now option to install the Facebook Pixel

Uploading the Facebook Pixel to WordPress

Once your plugin is uploaded it will prompt you to activate it to make it work on your WordPress Website. 

Active it and then you are almost done.

Go back to Facebook and click though all the options to see if your Pixel is installed and you are done.

Remember from earlier you have installed the Facebook Pixel Helper on your chrome browser (I recommend using Brave Browser).

Now if you go back to your domain and click on the helper you can see if it is properly installed on your website. 

Sometimes it might take a few moments to register so just make sure to refresh a few times.



And there you have it. 

Installing the Facebook Pixel can be a bit of a hassle but if you are thinking of doing Facebook Ads then this is a necessity.

By installing the Facebook Pixel you are collecting valuable data for your facebook ads which in the long run could make them reach just the right demographic.

In doing so helping you convert better and sell more.

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Konrad W.

Been traveling the world for most of my life and love sharing my favourite Travel tips with everyone planning on doing the same.

My favorite online tools

Building Websites

For building websites I have been using Elementor. It's got a learning curve, but once you figure it out, it's simple and really quick to use for building amazing looking websites.

Writing Content

I love writing content and I love how AI has taken my work to the next level.

I don't necessarily want everything written by AI but I want a holding hand.

I use to assist me with creating great copy

Wordpress SEO Plugin

For my SEO I use SquirrlySEO as it is simple to use, has suggestions on how to improve my sites search engine ranking and also keyword research all in one.

Works well with Elementor and overall is a powerhouse of a plugin.

Other Tools

To speed up my website and optimize the images I use Rabbitloader.

It speeds up the website significantly without having to do any of the tinkering that other programs require.

For my newsletter I use Mailpoet. I like being able to work straight from the Wordpress dashboard on all my projects and Mailpoet integrates directly into Wordpress.

Free Images

There are plenty of websites out there, but my favourite one for Free high quality images is Pexels.

Has plenty of High quality images and very simple to use. 

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